Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's a BOY! It's a GIRL! It's double the fun! We are so excited to have one of each. Two boys and two girls. It couldn't be more perfect! They are measuring right on with the girl being one day ahead of the boy. You go girl! I can't wait to work on the nursery. It will be a little challenging with color and theme but much fun to figure out. Any ideas? So far we only have two boy and two girl names picked out. That's probably all we'll come up with too. Any suggestions? Kyle and Naja have already been submitted just so you know. (Thanks Kyle and Naja!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

I am so glad you have converted to blogging! I was just going to e-mail you today and tell you that you'd better jump on the bandwagon since we never get to see you anymore! Oh my gosh! I am so excited for your 2 new beautiful babies! And the nursery plans of can never go wrong with pastels or whinnie the pooh!